The story begins by the establishment of Lehmkuhl Industrier in Oslo.
Lehmkuhl establishes office in Halden
Einar Myklebust buys the shares in Lehmkuhl Industrier and establishes the company Teknotherm AS.
Teknotherm AS renamed to Eagle AS and converted to a parent company. Eagle AS develop investment portfolio within shipping and property. New operational company established with the continuation of Teknotherm AS company name.
The industrial part of Teknotherm, Teknotherm Industri AS, demerged from the company and the remaining part is sold to Iceberg AS.
Teknotherm Industri AS renamed to Therma Industri AS.
Eagle AS acquires Grimstål Produkter AS.
Teknotherm AS goes bankrupt and Eagle AS buys the bankruptcy estate.
Eagle AS continues the repurchased business through Teknotherm Marine including foreign daughter companies.
Teknotherm-Therma Tromsø established as a separate company – focusing on service and aftersales.
Teknotherm Engineering, now Eagle Technology, is established with underlying daughter company in Bosnia and Hercegovina.
Eagle AS acquires the majority of the shares in RENA Technology ASA, main office located in Stavanger.
Eagle AS acquires the majority of the shares in Quality Group AS, main office located in Moss.
Eagle AS sells 60 % of the shares in Teknotherm AS to Heinen & Hopman.
Therma Industri AS Stavanger established.
Green Carbon established as a new company in Halden.
Rena Technology and Quality Group merges into one company building a new strategy for the next 5 years.
Alved Ltd. established on Cyprus – Mobile Integrated Environmental Services.
Therma Industri acquires 51 % of the shares in Utstyr & Kjøleservice in Bergen.
Green Carbon Sp z.o.o. established as a subsidiary to Green Carbon in Norway in Stettin, Poland.
Eagle AS sells the remaining 40 % of Teknotherm AS to Heinen & Hopman.
Eagle acquires 45 % of the shares in Ernex AS in Halden and Therma Automasjon AS is established in Nes, Norway.
In October Ernex AS and Grimstål Produkter AS merges into one company with Ernex as company name.
Eagle Technology completes its new production facility in Žepče, Bosnia and Hercegovina.
New state-of-the-art production facilioty of additional 6000 sqm. completed in Žepče, Bosnia and Hercegovina.
Eagle AS sells Therma Industri AS to Swedish Franks Kyla.